You're welcome! I have connected with a few writers via Twitter and email. I have no problem sharing my contact info with other writers. I believe we all mutually support one another. It's great to be a part of that positive vibe - so, if you're interested in writing discussions, my email is: :-) Oh, one other terrific writer of trauma I forgot to mention is Leah O'Daniel. She's helps people with editing and will look at your piece prior to submitting it for free. This week I learned about "line breaks" from her. I know sounds strange I wouldn't know what those are. But... She also had some excellent books suggestions about writing. They're on my gift list for my daughter's ideas. Hahaha! I always try to throw her a few dollars on her Ko-fi site. Although she's never requested it. See, I've been so fortunate to meet so many kind and giving writers!