This is very powerful, Julia. It takes incredible courage to write your truth. I feel like there is so much I need to say. You have stimulated so much deep thought for me with this. Thank you! I was raised with (and largely by – they taught me how to play football which got me into college) three older sisters. My mother was strong and courageous and my grandmother, well, I’m just grateful I have her blood in me. She was a true free-spirit. But, not even this prepared me for what was to come – raising three daughters as a single parent. My own male privilege sneaked up and hit me like a speeding freight-train. And I am eternally grateful it did. I still have a lot to learn (I now have two granddaughters) as time moves on for me.
I’m really grateful you wrote this piece, Julia. Thank you. I have shared it was my three now young adult daughters.