Mackenzie, I have to comment on this one more time because I thought of something I left out that is my observation. I spent a career (lifetime actually) in law enforcement. I have been through many courtroom trials. And I have had my investigations and myself raked over the coals in cross examination by defense attorneys. It's hard. But, I am grateful. This is exactly what should happen. If we don't test and question the legitimacy of authority, then we're in very bad place. That being said, you clearly have the gift. You are able to harness the pain and anger, frustration with of an emotional experience like this joker being rotten to you, and rocket it into intellectual, articulate and powerful rebuttal. Should you ever find yourself in a courtroom defending someone in your bright future, rake those investigators over the coals. We need you. The people need you. If an investigator doesn't like it, they need to find a different job because they've lost sight of, or perhaps never had sight of how it needs to work.