Good! I'm glad you were able to recognize it as what was - silliness intended to get a laugh going. And I should have also said the I get it! Shit like that is real for you and others like me. A reminder of threatening situations is a big deal. Mine may be from gunfire and stupid shit like that, but it still the same. It's in the brain! I have to admit it was sometimes challenging dealing with these types of jokers - abusers in my former profession. I hope that you're able to have a safety plan in place. For what it's worth, victims advocacy programs often can help people set them up and do it very confidentially. I have one. Not from an abuser, but because when my PTSD decides to flip the switch, stand by! I want to be safe so with the help of my psychiatrist and close friends, we got it put together. And it works! Hahaha! I hope that I haven't tread into territory I don't belong in. So, I apologize if I did. I want to at least offer something of real value that doesn't involve pyrotechnics. My disclaimer is "don't do as I say and never do as I do." My daughters loved it. Hahaha!